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Creating a service for new parents struggling with the challenges of lockdown.
Innovation Studio
Leveraging the infrastructure of existing Aptamil platforms across the world, we launched a new always on service to support new parents in their final stages of pregnancy and early days of parenthood. Where physical visits and essential expertise were lacking, we filled the gap with a virtual network of doulas, midwives, health experts, pregnancy advisers, lactation and feeding experts and nutritionists. Ensuring no parent was left alone and no child was left hindered in their earliest moments.
All new parents rely on a host of people to support them before, during and after the birth of their child. But the onset of Covid prevented those people – families, to midwives and  expert health care practitioners – from being there.

Our solution was for Aptamil to step in with crucial support throughout the crisis. Through Aptaclub, Aptamil linked parents with a range of experts to provide support and answer their worries about pregnancy and parenting during the early days of the Covid pandemic. 
Live in 6 Markets in 14 Days.
Now established as an ongoing programme for the brand.
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