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In January, Corona Cero became the first beer brand to sponsor the Olympics. Our task was to make this new partnership famous in a way that was unique to Corona and true to the brand’s sustainability legacy.
Revolt proposed a new partnership, born of Corona’s mission to help protect and restore nature, with non-profit organisation Mission Blue.

Mission Blue is creating a network of Hope Spots, special places that are scientifically identified as critical to the health of the ocean, with the global ambition to protect at least 30% of the ocean by 2030.

The campaign features two immersive films where viewers can join Olympian surfer Tatiana Weston-Webb and kitesurfer Martin Dolenc in Golden Moments in Nature.
Two further films dive into the athletes’ relationship with nature, their sports and what made them who they are today, with a call to action to join Corona‘s mission to restore life below water.
Budweiser has been the Official Beer of England for over a decade. As the sponsors, they want to help fans celebrate with a bang: with limited edition, bespoke ‘Home’ cans if England wins the Euros.

But to get celebratory Home cans onto supermarket shelves in time, they have to produce them in advance – meaning they risk wasting millions of cans and litres of beer if England doesn’t win.

We transformed the Home can from a celebration of success into a rally cry for victory, as a way to support the England team throughout the tournament.

Teaming up with Sir Geoff Hurst, the last living legend of the 1966 World Cup final, we inscribed the cans with the message ‘Let’s Bring it Home’ – meaning that throughout the tournament, every can in every hand became a talisman for greatness. This solution ensured that we didn’t risk wasting any aluminium cans – or more importantly, beer.

Our cinematic TV spot, directed by Marcus Söderland at Academy Films, debuted at Wembley Stadium in front of 80,000 fans during England’s last friendly match, where Sir Geoff was interviewed on the pitch about the campaign.

12 million special edition Home cans, 0 cans wasted
Featured in The Express, The Mirror, SPORTSbible, LBB, More About Advertising
One of The Drum’s ‘best Euro 2024 ads’
Heinz are an iconic brand around the world – but when it came to their sustainability credentials, people weren’t aware of the scale of action the brand were taking.

They wanted to translate the strong agricultural commitments contained within their corporate ESG strategy into a branded action that would raise awareness of their agriculture commitments and drive fame for the brand.
Art has been used for centuries to reflect the world around us. So we borrowed an iconic Vincent van Gogh painting to raise awareness of global soil degradation and what Heinz are doing to help.
The immersive exhibition took place over three days at the world famous Thyssen museum in Madrid where visitors were taken on a journey from future, present to past, picturing what a world could look like if we don’t act to protect soil health.
Visitors were presented with this narrative but ended with a message of hope, bringing to life what Heinz have been doing to improve soil health with local farmers in Spain as part of their commitment to achieving 100% sustainable ketchup tomatoes by 2025.
58 million PR impressions from the exhibit.
Over 2,000 visitors in 3 days.
Coverage from 61 Media Outlets.
In Summer 2022, Stonewall wanted to mark 50 years of Pride – but to do so whilst healing the divisive media narrative around LGBTQ+ rights that has been on the increase in recent years. 

Stonewall conducted a survey that showed 7/10 people in the UK support equal rights for all LGBTQ+ individuals. But many of these people rarely speak out about their support, because they assume that equality has already been reached, or they don’t know how to share their support in an appropriate way.
We wanted to celebrate the positive story of the huge support in the UK for equal rights by asking people who might usually stay silent during Pride to show that they are allies. 

We explored ideas of what else Brits take pride in, and found that, whilst national pride is at an all-time low, 73% of people feel pride in their local community.
So we developed Take Pride as a localised call to action for people to express the pride they take in their local LGBTQ+ community and allies. 

We created a symbol for the campaign that merged Pride symbolism with an upbeat, action-oriented logo that anybody could adopt. 

And provided sticker packs to local businesses so that they could show their support within their own communities. 
For most families Christmas crackers are a household staple at Christmas time. But not for the 1.3 million families struggling with food security at Christmas.

We wanted to enable families to give the gift of food and make their crackers mean more this Christmas. driving support of food waste organisations the Fair Share and Felix Project.
Our limited edition range of crackers were sold on the Deliveroo app with 100% of the proceeds going to provide a week of meals for a vulnerable family, thanks to FareShare and The Felix Project.
To promote the launch of the crackers, we made a suite of stand up films with Britain’s Got Talent comedian Kojo who wrote the cracker jokes.

Micro influencers promoted the initiative together with full press outreach in regional and national outlets.
Over half million media impressions saw over 400,000 people reached.
74 pieces of earned media coverage.
In light of a pivotal case in the US which could overturn Roe vs Wade, the 50 year old constitutional right to abortion, digital health provider Favor wanted to take action.

We were asked to create an advocacy platform that moved the needle on reproductive rights and showed that Favor were a long term ally to women and people who menstruate.
We knew that the overturning of Roe vs Wade was likely, and it’s effect would ripple beyond abortion alone. The future healthcare of over 50% of the population was at risk, and many people would be left severely under-resourced. Our goal was to turn a negative ripple effect into a positive one.
In the 1960s, the Jane collective was an underground movement supporting the right to an abortion. To bring their energy slap back into the modern day we created We Are Jane, a shared identity standing for the reproductive futures of people who menstruate. In order to build our We Are Jane collective, we first needed to fill the knowledge gap on what was happening.
OOH placement was used to put the facts in the hands of those worst affected.
We partnered with influencers to highlight the sexist hypocrisy of the ruling.
And we gave people the routes to action through a centralised hub: those who needing birth control could get emergency contraception and those wanting to join the movement could take a stand as a Jane. 

We Are Jane managed to move many of the 1 in 4 menstruating people that have an abortion before the age of 45. It offered strength through shared experience. And hope in alliance, organization and action.
5200% spike in emergency contraception on Favor since the ruling.
2.5m OOH impressions in the states where it mattered most.
49% increase in brand loyalty. 
Half of our coral reefs have already died, and the other half are severely threatened. The Ocean Agency needed a branded movement that could inspire brands to raise awareness about their critical plight.
Before dying coral is bleached of its colour, it performs a luminous colourful display. These warning signs are the most beautiful cry for help you could ever see, but are hidden away beneath the surface.

We created the Glowing Glowing Gone campaign to take this extraordinary warning off the ocean floor, and into popular culture. We started by creating three new colours with Pantone, each representing the glowing display our reefs are making. And through a partnership with Adobe, we invited creatives everywhere to share them.
An army of glowing support followed. From the streets of Notting Hill Carnival, to Times Square, to the World Surf League in Tahiti. And as brands, creatives and media partners embraced our invitation, a wave of earned media impressions helped raise awareness of coral’s plight like never before.
Global brands joined the movement to use their advertising and media budgets to raise awareness, including Adobe, Pantone, Hewlett-Packard, the World Surf League and WeTransfer.
Over 140 million impressions in the first 3 months of the campaign with no paid media
The UK uses more water than it rains. But awareness of how we can save water is low. Our challenge was to encourage Affinity Water’s users across South East England to do their bit.

We knew that to get people to change entrenched daily behaviours would take more than appealing to their better nature—we needed to forge a more emotional connection.
When we discovered that the UK is home to 80% of the world’s chalk streams—a precious natural resource that is more endangered than the Bengal Tiger or the Great Barrier Reef, we knew we had found our fight.

Save our Streams drew people’s attention to the fact the water from their taps is directly connected to this endangered resource. Dry British wit was used to dramatise the extravagant ways people waste water.
Our oversized bath became a symbol of this change, found in OOH, press, DM and a roadshow that toured the region. A hilarious radio campaign visited homes to highlight the residents’ ridiculous water-wasting behaviour. We even hosted a live comedy event in an actual stream.
Over 180k customers signed up to get a free kit of water-saving devices.
Over 25 million litres of water saved each day.
A halo effect saw a +17% improvement in brand trust scores.
The microbiomes in our stomach have been called our second brain. And we’re only just scratching the surface of how important gut health is – effecting everything from how we respond to illness, to our mental and emotional health. But too often this important science is dry and inaccessible. Or, worse, it’s hijacked by charlatans intent on flogging the latest fad diet. The world needed a brand to change all this. We were brought on as an early stage partner to help build and grow it.
To democratise the knowledge on the microbiome and empower gut health in everyone meant creating a brand that could speak on terms everyone could understand, rather than feeling excluded from. 

The Gut Stuff provided this platform. Spearheaded by influencers Lisa and Alana we began by building a community that could provide content to educate and empower our audience. 
A best-selling book, B2B workshops and social-first content all helped grow the movement. So that by the time we launched our first consumer products, we had a community readily waiting for our solutions. This was a brand prepared to break the rules. We tackled the taboo of talking about poo, with a hyper-local outdoor campaign that got the nation discussing their digestion. Localised advertising hit the streets, and then the headlines. Supported by podcast appearances and more conversation driving content.
Increased traffic to our website by 263% year on year.
4 products in three major retailers in 12 months.
£10 million PR return from a £10k campaign investment
Since 2017, we’ve worked with Budweiser to develop their Better World platform and communicate their bold commitment to brew all Buds with 100% renewable electricity by 2025. 

We knew that Bud’s consumers were eager to help in the fight against climate change, but were feeling helpless about the scale of the challenge ahead.
To celebrate Earth Day in 2021, we created ‘Together We Can Turn This Around’, a inspiring global campaign that reiterated Budweiser’s commitment, and encouraged others to take action against climate change.

The centre piece to the campaign was a film featuring a reversible poem – one that painted a picture of doom and gloom when read from top to bottom, but turned into a message of hope when read in reverse.
We redesigned the classic Budweiser can, renaming it to highlight how everyday choices like the beer you drink can help fight climate change.
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