Einstein once said that if he had an hour to save the world, he’s spend 59 minutes working out what the problem was. Click below to start exploring the world’s to-do list.
If you care aboutPeoplethen consider howEqualityneeds to improve by leaning into•••
Age discrimination is about ensuring everyone is treated as equals with empathy and respect.
You might fight for discriminated groups such as people with disabilities or mental health issues
where accessibility, representation, and understanding are still battles to work on.
The rise of Islamophobia and treatment of minority faiths also shows that religious understanding
is a growing need. The way forward requires us to address assimilation vs amalgamation of cultural
groups, immigration and racial prejudices.
Despite great strides within LGBT+ rights, attitudes towards sexuality are not universally as
progressive, whilst attitudes towards transgender and intersex people still lag behind.
Leaning into inclusivity might also mean addressing specific behaviours. Most overtly, minority
groups suffer bullying and harassment because they are often misunderstood and frequently don’t
receive necessary support. But indirect discrimination also requires its own distinct
So get in touch and find out how we can create change against any one of these issues.
You pick your battle and we’ll help you fight it.