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The Gut Stuff
Building a brand through a mission to democratise the life-changing magic of gut health.
Activist Agency, Purpose Consultancy, Revolt Ventures
The microbiomes in our stomach have been called our second brain. And we’re only just scratching the surface of how important gut health is – effecting everything from how we respond to illness, to our mental and emotional health. But too often this important science is dry and inaccessible. Or, worse, it’s hijacked by charlatans intent on flogging the latest fad diet. The world needed a brand to change all this. We were brought on as an early stage partner to help build and grow it.
To democratise the knowledge on the microbiome and empower gut health in everyone meant creating a brand that could speak on terms everyone could understand, rather than feeling excluded from. 

The Gut Stuff provided this platform. Spearheaded by influencers Lisa and Alana we began by building a community that could provide content to educate and empower our audience. 
A best-selling book, B2B workshops and social-first content all helped grow the movement. So that by the time we launched our first consumer products, we had a community readily waiting for our solutions. This was a brand prepared to break the rules. We tackled the taboo of talking about poo, with a hyper-local outdoor campaign that got the nation discussing their digestion. Localised advertising hit the streets, and then the headlines. Supported by podcast appearances and more conversation driving content.
Increased traffic to our website by 263% year on year.
4 products in three major retailers in 12 months.
£10 million PR return from a £10k campaign investment
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