Research continues to show that many teenagers feel overwhelmed by social media. As part of our newsletter On the Record we explore how this could make an impact across the purpose sector.
Being the first to have a device as an extension of themselves, gives the youthful generation a unique position in human history, and for that reason arguably makes them experts in the solutions to a marginally youth-centric problem.
45% stating they feel overwhelmed, despite rising levels of usage.
60% of 18-year-old girls have reported feeling worse about their appearance after using social media.
70% of 12-to-24-year-olds have seen harmful content on social media.
To far gone to be able to imagine a world without it, the addictive relationship with social media means that the focus now becomes, how do we create balance to the norms surrounding this generations worldview?
One solution is the Log Off movement, the movement addresses the nuanced issues of a digital age through its podcast, leadership council, and education program, where teens talk about their experiences, educate legislators, and push for safer online experiences.
On a brand level, Dove has launched a campaign to tackle the distorted view of beauty that is being pushed across social media. Their baby botox campaign is just one example of their global ambition to combat this issue.
On a regulatory level, OfCom is the regulatory body for UK-based video-sharing platforms, and they partner with influencers to create campaigns such as “Only-Nans” to encourage young people to report harmful content.
Ultimately there is tension that as a society we must navigate, riding a line between negative v.s the positives of social media. However with the continued evolution of technology, the advancement of AI, it is important that as we tread forward, we do so conscious of the longstanding impacts of our digital footprint.